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Richmond Championship Show 2024
Judge: Mr K Berry

BEST OF BREED : 3524 QUINN, Mrs T & Mr A Sharlarna Swindler Jw
Dog CC : 3524 QUINN, Mrs T & Mr A Sharlarna Swindler Jw
Res Dog CC : 3516 FARMER, Mr George William Salvador Dali By Sangria
Bitch CC : 3509 BRADLEY, Miss Louise Jayne Sharlarna All Eyes On Me
Res Bitch CC : 3523 QUINN, Mrs T & Mr A Ch Sharlarna Eye Candy JW
Best Puppy : 3509 BRADLEY, Miss Louise Jayne Sharlarna All Eyes On Me
Best Veteran : 3529 ROONEY, Mr S & GREEN, Mr J & GREEN, Mrs A Ch Swifthocks Paws For Thought (jw)
Best Special Beginner :

Class 1961 VD (1 Entries) Abs: 0
1st: 3510 BURDEN, Mr Ian & BURDEN, Mrs Leonore Sangria War Lord


Class 1963 PD (2 Entries) Abs: 0
1st: 3532 ROONEY, Mr S & GREEN, Mr J & GREEN, Mrs A Jaschin Paw Star
2nd: 3519 FLYNN, Mrs Linda A Sharlarna It's All About Me At Linjato

Class 1964 JD (2 Entries) Abs: 0
1st: 3507 BARANZECK, Mrs A Capevidles Chinook
2nd: 3531 ROONEY, Mr S & GREEN, Mr J & GREEN, Mrs A Jaschin Working Man I Am

Class 1965 YD (2 Entries) Abs: 0
1st: 3520 KANNAGARA, Miss S M Sangria Ps I Love You
2nd: 3526 REEVES-SARGANT, Mesdames Christine & DIMENT, Mrs S Alstella Eadweard

Class 1966 ND NO ENTRIES

Class 1967 PGD (1 Entries) Abs: 0
1st: 3521 PEARCE, Ms Tina Marguerita & HANN, Ms S Rakuchin Born In The Usa (imp Usa)

Class 1968 LD (1 Entries) Abs: 0
1st: 3516 FARMER, Mr George William Salvador Dali By Sangria

Class 1969 OD (4 Entries) Abs: 1
1st: 3524 QUINN, Mrs T & Mr A Sharlarna Swindler Jw
2nd: 3518 FLYNN, Mrs Linda A Ch Sharlarna Evolution At Linjato
3rd: 3517 FARMER, Mr George William Sangria De Ja Vous


Class 1971 VB (1 Entries) Abs: 0
1st: 3529 ROONEY, Mr S & GREEN, Mr J & GREEN, Mrs A Ch Swifthocks Paws For Thought (jw)

Class 1972 MPB (3 Entries) Abs: 0
1st: 3515 CUSHING, Mrs J Alstella Alexi Of Spiritisle
2nd: 3528 REEVES-SARGANT, Mesdames Christine & DIMENT, Mrs S Alstella Abi
3rd: 3522 PEARCE, Ms Tina Marguerita & HANN, Ms S Rakuchin Leap Of Faith

Class 1973 PB (3 Entries) Abs: 0
1st: 3509 BRADLEY, Miss Louise Jayne Sharlarna All Eyes On Me
2nd: 3533 STREEK, Mrs Virginia Sharlarna Harmony At Sherazade
3rd: 3514 CUSHING, Mrs J Spiritisle Lil Miss Muffet

Class 1974 JB (1 Entries) Abs: 0
1st: 3513 CUSHING, Mrs J Spiritisle Queen Of Hearts

Class 1975 YB (1 Entries) Abs: 0
1st: 3527 REEVES-SARGANT, Mesdames Christine & DIMENT, Mrs S Alstella Glamour Girl

Class 1976 NB NO ENTRIES

Class 1977 PGB (1 Entries) Abs: 0
1st: 3512 CUSHING, Mrs J Spiritisle Angel Delight

Class 1978 LB (1 Entries) Abs: 0
1st: 3508 BRADLEY, Miss Louise Jayne Sharlarna Vivacious

Class 1979 OB (3 Entries) Abs: 0
1st: 3523 QUINN, Mrs T & Mr A Ch Sharlarna Eye Candy JW
2nd: 3511 CUSHING, Mrs J Ennistar's Niagara At Spiritisle
3rd: 3530 ROONEY, Mr S & GREEN, Mr J & GREEN, Mrs A Ch Jaschin Paws For Applause


Japanese Chins numerically not a strong entry but the quality was lovely. Several that I really liked were very unsettled on the day.


VD (1, 0)

1 Burden Sangria War Lord standing alone 8 years old and in immaculate condition. Very elegant, ideal size, large head and with good open nostrils. Lovely eyes, well set. His head was proudly carried and his movement was stylish.


PD (2, 0)

Two very nice puppies in this class.

1 Rooney & Green Jaschin Paw Star had the slight edge over second on showmanship. Black and white in lovely coat and condition. Ideal size with correct head proportions, large skull which was quite broad. Good eye set, neat ears, nice neck and shoulders. Moving well and very lively.

2 Flynn Sharlarna It's All About Me At Linjato another really lovely puppy that when settled should do well. Today he was giving his owner a difficult time.


JD (2, 0)

1 Baranzeck Capevidles Chinook small and dainty black and white in lovely condition. Again, a lovely headed youngster that carried himself stylishly around the ring.

2 Rooney & Green Jaschin Working Man I Am generous headed youngster, well balanced throughout. Has a pleasing head with correct eye giving desired expression. There was very little to separate these two quality dogs.


YD (2, 0)

1 Kannagara Sangria Ps I Love You a good typical example of the breed. Lovely ear set, pleasing expression and looking good on the move with his beautiful coat.

2 Reeves-Sargant & Diment Alstella Eadweard ideal size not as well presented as winner. Has a pleasant head with good open nostrils.


PGD (1, 0)

1 Pearce & Hann Rakuchin Born In The USA very unsettled and difficult to assess but has a pleasant head and correct expression. In good coat and condition.


LD (1, 0)

1 Farmer Salvador Dali By Sangria a lovely dog of ideal proportions. Distinctive head, proudly carried on good neck and shoulders. Excellent body proportions, correct hare feet and moving with great dignity RDCC.


OD (4, 1)

1 Quinn Sharlarna Swindler JW an absolutely lovely dog fine and dainty, so well balanced. Has a lovely head neat ears and pleasing expression. Good open nostrils, good bone and excellent body proportions. No hesitation in awarding him the DCC & BOB.

2 Flynn Ch Sharlarna Evolution At Linjato another lovely and worthy Champion in gleaming coat and condition. Such a well-balanced dog that I liked a lot. He could have put a little more effort into his movement.

3 Farmer Sangria De Ja Vous


VB (1, 0)

1 Rooney & Green Ch Swifthocks Paws For Thought (JW) Veteran ideal size so well balanced. I loved her head qualities. In good coat and condition. She is small and dainty and was BVIB.


MPB (3, 0) Two sisters headed this class and the critique applies to both

1 Cushing Alstella Alexi Of Spiritisle six months old and so well balanced. Both have pleasing heads; both are fine and dainty. Pleasing bodies and both displayed great temperament.

2 Reeves-Sargant & Diment Alstella Abi same critique as above good luck with both.

3 Pearce & Hann Rakuchin Leap Of Faith


PB (3, 0)

1 Bradley Sharlarna All Eyes On Me my notes say this one will take some beating, All throughout my judging of the bitches I could not find anything that I liked better, except the open winner, who I adored. However, this puppy, had that intangible something that just put her ahead of all the other bitches. She is perfectly balanced, has a beautiful head with gorgeous expression. Her body proportions were exceptional and what a temperament. At ten months, her slightly sloppy front, was not going to stop her winning her first BCC and BPIB.

2 Streek Sharlarna Harmony At Sherazade nice black and white she too was well balanced with pleasing head. She is a sound steady mover.

3 Cushing Spiritisle Lil Miss Muffet


JB (1, 0)

1 Cushing Spiritisle Queen Of Hearts standing alone red and white of quality, very well balanced, has good head with a lovely typical expression. Carries a good topline, useful bitch.


YB (1, 0)

1 Reeves-Sargant & Diment Alstella Glamour Girl another quality red and white of good breed type. Nice head and a well-proportioned body. She doesn’t always consecrate.


PGB (1, 0)

1 Cushing Spiritisle Angel Delight lovely size, of correct proportions. Pleasing head quality. Sound and confident on the move, retaining a level topline. I noted her children did her proud.


LB (1, 0)

1 Bradley Sharlarna Vivacious 2 years old fine dainty, of immense quality and she was close up for top honours. Ideal size, so well-proportioned throughout.


OB (3, 0)

1 Quinn Ch Sharlarna Eye Candy JW the remarks I made on the puppy cc winner I was happy to award this superb bitch the RBCC.

2 Cushing Ennistar's Niagara At Spiritisle a quality red and white of excellent breed type. Sound and confident on the move with a wonderful topline.

3 Rooney & Green Ch Jaschin Paws For Applause

Kevan Berry (Ricksbury)

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