Crufts 2024
Judge: Mrs Z Thorn-Andrews
Dog Challenge Certificate3876 - Sangria War Lord (Mr I G & Mrs L E S Burden)
Reserve Dog Challenge Certificate3941 - Kirdanchi Moves Like Jagger avec Craimose (Mr C F Young)
Bitch Challenge Certificate3917 - Ch Harlouville Uptown Girl JW (Mrs T & Mr A Quinn)
Reserve Bitch Challenge Certificate3921 - Ch Jaschin First Edition (Mr S & Mr J & Mrs A Rooney & Green & Green)
Best Of Breed
3917 - Ch Harlouville Uptown Girl JW (Mrs T & Mr A Quinn)
Best Puppy3888 - Capevidles Simply The Best for Cholas (Mr N & J Farrugia)
Best Veteran3876 - Sangria War Lord (Mr I G & Mrs L E S Burden)
Class 640. Veteran Dog Entries: 6 Absentees: 0
1st Place3876 - Sangria War Lord (Mr I G & Mrs L E S Burden)
2nd Place3912 - Holmchin Secret Affair with Rakuchin (Ms T & Ms S Pearce & Hann)
3rd Place3911 - Myojo Morgan at Glendyke ShCM VW (Miss J L Mcfarlane)
Reserve (4th Place)3872 - Sansarc Jacobean (Mrs L Benton-Taylor)
Very Highly Commended (5th Place)3887 - Shardlow Mikado with Osakazuki (Ms M M Doran)
Class 641. Minor Puppy Dog Entries: 0 Absentees: 0
Class 642. Puppy Dog Entries: 3 Absentees: 0
1st Place3869 - Capevidles Chinook (Mrs A J & Mr H J Baranzeck)
2nd Place3913 - Somergemz Tanjobi Rakuchin (Ms T & Ms S Pearce & Hann)
3rd Place3933 - Javalcy Socerers Aprentice (Ms J & Mrs M Thomas & Vincent)
Class 643. Junior Dog Entries: 5 Absentees: 0
1st Place3919 - Sharlarna Swindler (Mrs T & Mr A Quinn)
2nd Place3895 - Sangria Ps I Love You (Miss S M Kannangara)
3rd Place3934 - Cranvarl The Red King of Jakconas (Miss Tong)
Reserve (4th Place)3914 - Bobby Dazzler Rodnichok Iz Tiger Sada at Ereste (Imp Ukr) (Ms I Pearson)
Very Highly Commended (5th Place)3937 - Yama Midwood Master Tailor (Mrs S C Vincent)
Class 644. Yearling Dog Entries: 3 Absentees: 1
1st Place3941 - Kirdanchi Moves Like Jagger avec Craimose (Mr C F Young)
2nd Place3909 - Holiday Love Goscinska Przystan at Fochai (Miss J Matches)
Class 645. Post Graduate Dog Entries: 6 Absentees: 2
1st Place3910 - Jeskandai Koi No Yokan (Miss J L Mcfarlane)
2nd Place3936 - Cholas Yasu at Yama (Mrs S C Vincent)
3rd Place3909 - Holiday Love Goscinska Przystan at Fochai (Miss J Matches)
Reserve (4th Place)3929 - Bonniroy Yoto (Mrs G & J Speight)
Class 646. Limit Dog Entries: 10 Absentees: 1
1st Place3932 - Threadgold Dan Dare at Javalcy (Ms J Thomas)
2nd Place3890 - Yama Ghost Rider with Cholas (Mr N & J Farrugia)
3rd Place3910 - Jeskandai Koi No Yokan (Miss J L Mcfarlane)
Reserve (4th Place)3915 - Ereste's Raffles Exclusive (Ms I Pearson)
Very Highly Commended (5th Place)3907 - Cranvarl The Student Prince (Mrs L Crane)
Class 647. Open Dog Entries: 10 Absentees: 1
1st Place3922 - Ch Jaschin Hold That Thought JW (Mr S & Mr J & Mrs A Rooney & Green & Green)
2nd Place3903 - Se/dk/no/fin Ch Sharlarna's Ambassador Ww23 (Mr J & Mrs L Lundgren & Andersson)
3rd Place3899 - Ch Cranvarl Roger at Anjuli JW (Miss L Lindsay)
Reserve (4th Place)3891 - Ch Sharlarna Evolution at Linjato (Mrs L A Flynn)
Very Highly Commended (5th Place)3898 - Ch Anjuli Trevor ShCEx (Miss L Lindsay)
Class 648. Good Citizen Dog Scheme Dog
Entries: 7 Absentees: 0
1st Place3895 - Sangria Ps I Love You (Miss S M Kannangara)
2nd Place3911 - Myojo Morgan at Glendyke ShCM VW (Miss J L Mcfarlane)
3rd Place3883 - Aleemia Starstruck at Dorcharday (Mrs Day)
Reserve (4th Place)3887 - Shardlow Mikado with Osakazuki (Ms M M Doran)
Very Highly Commended (5th Place)3910 - Jeskandai Koi No Yokan (Miss J L Mcfarlane)
Class 649. Veteran Bitch Entries: 3 Absentees: 0
1st Place3926 - Rakuchin Maid for Samaranda (Mrs K Scott)
2nd Place3924 - Ch Swifthocks Paws for Thought JW (Mr S & Mr J & Mrs A Rooney & Green & Green)
3rd Place3873 - Sansarc Magnificent Charta (Mrs L Benton-Taylor)
Class 650. Minor Puppy Bitch Entries: 0 Absentees: 0
Class 651. Puppy Bitch Entries: 3 Absentees: 0
1st Place3888 - Capevidles Simply The Best for Cholas (Mr N & J Farrugia)
2nd Place3920 - Jaschin Curtain Call (Mr S & Mr J & Mrs A Rooney & Green & Green)
3rd Place3870 - Capevidles Lemon Drizzle (Mrs A J & Mr H J Baranzeck)
Class 652. Junior Bitch Entries: 3 Absentees: 0
1st Place3870 - Capevidles Lemon Drizzle (Mrs A J & Mr H J Baranzeck)
2nd Place3927 - Bonniroy Yanagi (Mrs G & J Speight)
3rd Place3916 - Adreeam Highland Chincess (Mr R & Mrs J Potts)
Class 653. Yearling Bitch Entries: 3 Absentees: 0
1st Place3900 - Jaschin Who’d Have Thought at Anjuli (Miss L Lindsay)
2nd Place3902 - Sansarc Mara (Ms S Little)
3rd Place3897 - Sharlarna Conchita for Meglind (Mrs S E Lindley)
Class 654. Post Graduate Bitch Entries: 7 Absentees: 0
1st Place3927 - Bonniroy Yanagi (Mrs G & J Speight)
2nd Place3878 - Somergemz Balenciaga (Mr & Mrs K Calvert)
3rd Place3879 - Omegaville Cover Girl (Miss S J Curwood)
Reserve (4th Place)3901 - Sangria Eye Candy (Ms S Little)
Very Highly Commended (5th Place)3906 - Sleepyhollow Cover Girl for Kirdanchi (Miss S E Martin)
Class 655. Limit Bitch Entries: 9 Absentees: 1
1st Place3918 - Sharlarna Eye Candy JW (Mrs T & Mr A Quinn)
2nd Place3877 - Jaschin Fendi with Somergemz (Mr & Mrs K Calvert)
3rd Place3889 - Cholas Lucy Locket (Mr N & J Farrugia)
Reserve (4th Place)3930 - Threadgold Starstruck JW (Mrs S E Steele)
Very Highly Commended (5th Place)3880 - Aki Kaori of Spiritisle (Mrs J G Cushing)
Class 656. Open Bitch Entries: 7 Absentees: 0
1st Place3917 - Ch Harlouville Uptown Girl JW (Mrs T & Mr A Quinn)
2nd Place3921 - Ch Jaschin First Edition (Mr S & Mr J & Mrs A Rooney & Green & Green)
3rd Place3938 - Hin Satori Charka S Medom at Sharlarna (Miss S Westwick)
Reserve (4th Place)3881 - Ennistar’s Niagara at Spiritisle (imp) (Mrs J G Cushing)
Very Highly Commended (5th Place)3923 - Jaschin Paws for Applause (Mr S & Mr J & Mrs A Rooney & Green & Green)
Class 657. Good Citizen Dog Scheme Bitch Entries: 1 Absentees: 0
1st Place3925 - Spirited Away Gillyflower for Kopykats (Imp Pol) (Miss D Scher)
The Chin is such an elegant aristocratic breed, they look as if they belonged to the noblest families in Japan, and I was greatly honoured to judge a Chin specialty in the country of origin, and see the breed in its homeland. The Japanese breeders set great store by beauty of markings, and the correct shape of head. The head should be a series of crescents, the nose set between the eyes, the broad skull rounded in front and between the ears, but not a domed head like the King Charles spaniel. The muzzle short, wide and nicely cushioned, with level jaws. Eyes are perhaps the most distinctive feature of the whole toy group. Large dark set wide apart, and showing some white in the inner corners, which gives the characteristic look of astonishment to the breed. Not all show this most important point, which is a great pity. Not too long a neck, but carried proudly. Fine slender legs, nicely feathered down to hare feet, untrimmed of course. A good square, compact body, fairly wide in chest, with a good turn of stifle. No mention of forequarter angulation, but it should obviously nearly match the rear. The movement of the Chin is special too. Stylish, straight & lifting the feet high when in motion, and showing no weakness behind. A Chin in full coat shows the beauty of the breed, Long, straight and very silky in texture, showing a frill at the neck. Markings evenly distributed on cheeks, ears and as patches on the body. The Japanese judges place well marked dogs highly, and prefer a saddle of colour in the middle of the back, a spot over the base of the tail, and very even head and ear markings. Flecking and too much black on the body are definite no no’s. Colours are B/W or R/W, the red including all shades of red down to lemon and orange. No height mentioned in the standard just the daintier the better, and an ideal weight of 4-7 lbs. I write the above as I was quite frankly stunned at the deterioration of the breed. Slipping stifles, & absolutely straight back legs. Extremely short ribcages, roach backs, thin, no muscle and poor body condition were in the majority. I feel some of these breeders should get their Chins out of cages more!
Veteran dog (6)
1st Sangria War Lord (Mr & Mrs Burden) CC + B Veteran Smart and sound. Nicely marked, very wide blaze down forehead. Nice expressive eyes. Very neatly made all though, & good body shape for length to height proportions.
2nd Holmchin Secret Affair with Rakuchin (Ms Pearce & Hann) Stands rather stiff behind, but seemed to move out OK. Also appealed in head & character. Lovely eyes and good to see feathered feet. 3rd Myojo Morgan at Glendyke ShCM VW (Miss Mcfarlane)
Puppy Dog (3)
1st Capevidles Chinook (Mrs & Mr Baranzeck) Lovely head, with good rise and rounded back skull. All three here needing practice on being handled. Slightly heavily marked. A sound mover. & holds himself proudly. 2nd Somergemz Tanjobi Rakuchin (Ms Pearce & Hann) Pretty, & well marked. Body still shelly, and needs a touch more ribbing. Lovely set of ears, OK for slender bone, but he is not over fine here. Promising. 3rd Javalcy Socerers Aprentice (Ms & Mrs Thomas & Vincent)
Junior Dog (5)
1st Sharlarna Swindler (Mrs & Mr Quinn) First two impressed for heads & eyes set wide, to the front & were of good size. Smart, cobby, correct proportions of height to length, Nice blaze down skull, good cushioning. High set ears. Neat all through, and a good mover too. 2nd Sangria Ps I Love You (Miss Kannangara) A touch longer in back maybe, Loved his head & expression. OK in front, just a little down on pasterns. Feet correct hare shape. Sparky & moving well. 3rd Cranvarl The Red King of Jakconas (Miss Tong)
Yearling Dog (3)
1st Kirdanchi Moves Like Jagger avec Craimose (Mr Young) R CC Lovely boy! Head is quite gorgeous & he has that look of astonishment so desired. Cobby body, neat proportions. Ribbing cuts up too sharply. Excellent topline & quarters. Moved straight & true. Nicely marked, & in good coat & condition. Out moved his opposition in the challenge to take the R CC
2nd Holiday Love Goscinska Przystan at Fochai (Miss Matches) Also nice & cobby. R/W whose coat could be in better condition, & white clearer. Pleasing expression, & temperament. Moved out well all round.
Post Grad Dog (6)
1st Jeskandai Koi No Yokan (Miss Mcfarlane) Lovely to go over & he has a decent front & shoulder set with a forechest. Good quality bone for size, & hare feet. Really good body & holds his topline well. Sound quarters. Has a tendency to move too fast & he loses control of his front.
2nd Cholas Yasu at Yama (Mrs Vincent) Steadier mover & also went well. Just a wee bit heavier in bone & has cat feet. Lovely head & expression, maybe eyes could be a little rounder. In lovely body condition.
3rd Holiday Love Goscinska Przystan at Fochai (Miss Matches)
Limit Dog (10)
1st Threadgold Dan Dare at Javalcy (Ms Thomas) Really good class winner, & was showing his heart out, and standing nicely every time I glanced round. Good to go over & pleasing skull & cushioning to muzzle. High set ears, OK in front, correct feet but not feathered. Good in body and holds his topline perfectly. Sound going away. Good texture to coat. 2nd Yama Ghost Rider with Cholas (Messr Farrugia) Always standing four square, & very attentive. Maybe could have a little more rise in skull, & darker pigment, even for his light coat. His coat & body were in good order, A sound Chin overall in excellent condition.
3rd Jeskandai Koi No Yokan (Miss Mcfarlane)
Open Dog (10)
1st Ch Jaschin Hold That Thought JW ( Rooney & Green & Green) Smart, sound, lovely head & eyes, Immaculate condition & showing well. Very oriental expression & lovely ear fringes. I thought him a little too long cast when it came to the final decisions.
2nd Se/dk/no/fin Ch Sharlarna's Ambassador Ww23 (Mr & Mrs Lundgren & Andersson) Also a treat to go over, but just moving very close going away. Stylish, in lovely nick, good cobby outline & has a super coat. Typy all through. 3rd Ch Cranvarl Roger at Anjuli JW (Miss Lindsay)
Good Citizen Dog (7)
1st Sangria Ps I Love You (Miss Kannangara) 2nd Myojo Morgan at Glendyke ShCM VW (Miss Mcfarlane) Up from Veteran & still showing like a youngster. Moving out well & enjoying himself. Just a trifle flat in skull, I thought. 3rd Aleemia Starstruck at Dorcharday (Mrs Day)
Veteran Bitch (3)
1st Rakuchin Maid for Samaranda (Mrs Scott) Three lovely oldies! Winner good to go over, stands 4 square. In lovely body & ribbing was good too. Nicely feathered feet, well set tail. Pleasing head & expression. 2nd Ch Swifthocks Paws for Thought JW (Rooney & Green & Green) Sparky & full of herself. A little narrow across the chest, & toes out. Pretty head & such a smart showoff typy girl. Looked good in profile movement. 3rd Sansarc Magnificent Charta (Mrs Benton-Taylor)
Puppy Bitch (3)
1st Capevidles Simply The Best for Cholas (Messr Farrugia) B Puppy Three untrained babies having a riot of a time! Certainly they loved the ring! Winner was sound, sweet face, lovely large eyes, with white showing. Excellent topline, moved Ok for a bouncy baby.
2nd Jaschin Curtain Call (Rooney & Green & Green) Also promising, but was throwing her front legs about today. Nice topline which is level & firm. Pleased to see such a typical head, and expression is lovely.
3rd Capevidles Lemon Drizzle (Mrs & Mr Baranzeck)
Junior Bitch (3)
1st Capevidles Lemon Drizzle (Mrs & Mr Baranzeck) Up from puppy. A Nice quality R/W, just a low set tail spoilt the overall look., but she carried it up & over. Smart moving, & very true. Turns her front feet out too much standing. 2nd Bonniroy Yanagi (G & J Speight) Unlucky on the day as she is very nice quality, she was just rather unhappy & kept her tail down on the profile move, just as she was about to win.! Expect she will do better when she gets an outside ring in the summer.
3rd Adreeam Highland Chincess (Mr & Mrs Potts)
Yearling Bitch (3)
1st Jaschin Who’d Have Thought at Anjuli (Miss Lindsay) Exquisite young bitch, well balanced, sound with some muscle which was nice to find. Excellent pigment for a R/W, beautiful head, correct amount of bone for the breed. Ideal feet. excellent topline & markings. A distracted handler in the challenge ruined her chance of going further. 2nd Sansarc Mara (Ms Little) Nice youngster, for both movement & deportment. Muzzle not quite up to winners. Ears high set, with even blaze up skull. Well bodied, OK moving.
3rd Sharlarna Conchita for Meglind (Mrs Lindley)
Post Grad Bitch (7)
1st Bonniroy Yanagi (G & J Speight) 2nd Somergemz Balenciaga (Mr & Mrs Calvert) Lovely & super confident & smart. Just concerned she had a lot of black tips in her red/white coat, which as a non breeder I was not sure if it would clear, as she is still under two. I can be corrected of course from the doyens of the breed. But otherwise a lovely Chin.
3rd Omegaville Cover Girl (Miss Curwood)
Limit Bitch (9)
1st Sharlarna Eye Candy JW (Mrs & Mr Quinn) A good class. Close decisions between first three. Winner well balanced, holds herself proudly, moved straight & true. Pleasing head & well cushioned muzzle. Correct legs & hare feet. Well carried tail holding a perfect topline on the move.
2nd Jaschin Fendi with Somergemz (Mr & Mrs Calvert) Appealed in head & gorgeous eyes, One black leg in front detracts a little, as she is heavily marked. Moved well all round showing off her cobby build, A real show off too.
3rd Cholas Lucy Locket (Messr Farrugia)
Open Bitch (7)
1st Ch Harlouville Uptown Girl JW (Mrs & Mr Quinn) CC BOB + Group shortlist Very pretty, in full coat, which was correctly marked. Pleased me with her good head & expressive eyes, Nicely set ears carried well up. Good to go over a well made body, tail carried correctly over back. Showed off her paces going round with great aplomb!
2nd Ch Jaschin First Edition (Rooney & Green & Green) R CC Smart, small, & sound moving, cheeky character, perfect topline, neat all through. Would like a touch more angulation in rear, but she went well. A fine pair of Chins! 3rd Hin Satori Charka S Medom at Sharlarna (Miss Westwick)
Good Citizen Bitch(1)
1st Spirited Away Gillyflower for Kopykats (Imp Pol) (Miss Scher) 9 yrs old. Sound moving, but very thin & lacking body. Nice to see she has her good citizen award. Sweet old girl.