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City of Birmingham Ch. Show 2019

Judge: Mrs D Bailey

Bitch Challenge Certificate and Best of Breed
Mr A Davidson
Reserve Bitch Challenge Certificate
Mrs M Emmerson
Dog Challenge Certificate
Mrs R & Mr M Rowley
Reserve Dog Challenge Certificate
Mr A Davidson
Best Puppy
Mr S Rooney & Mr J & Mrs A Green
Best Veteran
Ms T Pearce & Ms S Hann
B Vet.jpg

Thank you fellow exhibitors for bringing your lovely dogs under me at this my first time awarding tickets in our breed in many classes I was spoilt for choice.

 VD  (1) 1

Russell’s Sansarc Shisiedo Of Alnesaire. B/w in lovely condition, good coat, pleasing head and expression, short cobby body, moved and showed  well.

PD (11-2)

1 Rooney & Green’s Littletigers Innuendo With Jaschin. B/W outstanding puppy presented in perfect condition, lovely head and expression, good pigment, nice square body, good front and chest, level topline, tight tail, excellent movement. BP. 2 Hubble & Summerbell’s Dabrives Silver Carrington. B/W another nice puppy with a lovely coat, good broad head and correct expression, good straight front and width to chest, level topline, nice and short, showed well. 3 Vincent’s Yama Noritaki Tu.

JD (6-1) 1

Tarabad’s Tillashby’s Nick Is In A Twist At Frondil. B/W lovely head and expression with good turn up nose and cushioned muzzle, good straight front and excellent shoulder placement, short coupled and dainty with level topline, moved correctly, coat in excellent condition. 2 Davidson’s Tillashby Samurai Sun At Sharlana. B/W good broad head with lovely expression, lovely shape short and cobby with good spring of rib, fabulous coat, level topline and good tail set, moved and showed well. 3 Thomas’ Javalcy The Great Mikado.

GD (3)

1 Westwick and Davidson’s Hin Satori Almazniy Vihr At Sharlana Imp Rus. B/W beautiful head with well cushioned muzzle and upturned nose, nice neck and good width and depth to chest, square and compact, level topline, lovely condition, moved freely. 2 Speight’s Bonniroy Yoshika Aka. R/W pleasing head and expression with good pigment, good body shape and tail set, level topline, moved soundly. 3 Rushton’s Sangria Standing Ovation At Tiflin.

PGD (8-3)

1 Burn’s Yama Take A Chance. B/W correct head with astonished look, good body short and cobby with good rib-cage, level topline, coat in excellent condition, presented lovely profile both standing and on the move. 2 Westwick and Davidson’s Sharlana Tyson. B/W good head , nice neck leading to good straight front, deep chest, compact body, good spring of rib, level topline with good tail set.. 3 Benton-Taylor’s Sansarc Jacobean.

LD (10-1)

1 Banks and Rowley’s Choya Tadashi. B/W lovely masculine head with dark eyes, well cushioned muzzle and good turn up to nose, good neck and shoulder placement with width to chest, compact square body with well sprung ribs, level topline, moved confidently, good angulation, shown in tip top condition. DCC. 2 Davidson’s Tillashby Russian Infusion At Sharlana B/W another quality dog, beautiful head and expression, cushioned muzzle, good open nostrils, good front and deep chest, short coupled with level topline and good tail set, lovely profile, moved confidently. RDCC. 3 Vincent’s Yama Teddy Edward.

OD (8)

1 Davidson’s Omikudz Don Juan At Sharlana Imp. R/W lovely head and expression with fullness to muzzle, short cobby body, good straight front, level topline, fabulous silky coat, good profile standing. 2 Thomas’ Javalcy Rock On Tommy JW. B/W pleasing head typical expression, well balanced dog with good depth to chest, compact with good spring of rib, level topline, good angulation, moved well both directions. 3 Pearce and Hann’s CH Rakuchin Kenji Na.

GCD (1)

1 Mcfarlane’s Myojo Morgan At Glendyke. B/W good broad head, cobby body with width and depth to chest, level topline, good coat, moved and showed well.

VB (3) 1 Pearce and Hann’s Choya Takara Of Rakuchin. B/W lovely 11 year old in excellent condition, a credit to her owners, good head and expression, cobby body, moved freely with good drive, lovely profile. BV. 2 Lindsay’s CH Sleepyhollow Sapphire Diva At Anjuli Sh.CM. B/W also in excellent condition, silky coat, pretty head and expression, good body and spring of rib, well constructed. 3 Speight’s Bonniroy Yasafii.

PB (11)

1 Lindsay’s Littletigers I Send With Love To Sleepyhollow Imp. B/W quality puppy, pretty head, lovely size and shape, fine strong bone, good front, compact, level topline with tight tail, moved and showed with confidence. 2  Brown-Percival’s Littletigers Grace By Sandiman Imp. B/W another lovely puppy, excellent coat, pretty head with astonished expression, lovely compact size with good tail set, moved with drive. 3 Hubble and Summerbell’s Dabrives Silver Dynasty.

JB (6-2)

1 Emmerson’s Auralea Wishful Thinking For Ismirella JW. B/W very feminine she has a lovely head and expression with cushioned muzzle, short compact body with nice neck and good shoulders, well turned stifles, moved with drive. RBCC and BJ. 2 Burn’s Yakedo Empress Aiko. B/W pretty girl, good head with lovely dark eyes and pigment, fine strong bone with compact body, good rib-cage, level topline, moved well. 3 Clarke’s Tismechi Lady Orchid.

GB (1)

1 Forth’s Omegaville Ima Showgirl. B/W aptly named as a confident pretty girl, cushioned muzzle with well placed eyes, nice neck and straight front, lovely size, nice short coupled body with good rear angulation.

PGB (6-1)

Quinn’s Sharlana Japanese Please. B/W lovely head and expression showing correct white of eye, nice size cobby with good spring of rib, level topline with good tailset, lovely profile, moved and showed well. 2 Oatridge’s Dalehouse Kimono. B/W pretty girl with a lovely expression, well cushioned muzzle, good pigment, nice size, well balanced girl with excellent coat, moved and showed well. 3 Smith’s Wyndcatch Constance.

LB (7-2)

1 Davidson’s Bechinka Mozo At Sharlana. B/W lovely head and expression with dark round eyes showing correct amount of white giving astonished look, well cushioned muzzle with correct under jaw, dainty girl with short coupled body, fine bone, straight front, level topline with good tail set shown in excellent condition. BCC and BOB. 2 Pearce and Hann’s Rakuchin Well Hello. B/W another quality girl with good head, cushioned muzzle, well placed eyes resulting in a very pleasing expression, good width to chest and cobby with a good spring of rib, level topline, good tail set, moved well. 3 Hubble and Summerbell’s Dabrives Fields Of Silver.

OB (5-1)

1 Rooney and Green’s Ch Swifthocks Paws For Thought. B/W very feminine, beautiful expression with large dark eyes, good nose placement and short cushioned foreface, good neck and shoulders, fine boned well balanced girl, flows round the ring, unfortunately not in her best coat today. 2 Oatridge’s Dalehouse Iponema. B/W pleasing head and expression, lovely straight front, nice neck with well laid shoulders, level topline, correct tail set, good angulation, lovely size, looked good in profile, moved and showed well. 3 Blow and Allen’s Yama Misty Morning.


BEST OF BREED : DAVIDSON Mr A W Bechinka Mozo At Sharlarna 
Dog CC : BANKS, Ms R & ROWLEY Mr M Choya Tadashi 
Res Dog CC : DAVIDSON Mr A W Tillashby Russian Infusion At Sharlarna 
Bitch CC : DAVIDSON Mr A W Bechinka Mozo At Sharlarna 
Res Bitch CC : EMMERSON Mrs M Auralea Wishful Thinking For Ismirelle JW 
Best Puppy : ROONEY, Mr S J & GREEN Mr & Mrs J A Littletigers Innuendo With Jaschin 
Best Veteran : PEARCE, Ms T & HANN Ms S Choya Takara Of Rakuchin 
Best Junior : EMMERSON Mrs M Auralea Wishful Thinking For Ismirelle JW 

VD (2 Entries) Abs: 0 
1st: RUSSELL Mrs J A Sansarc Shisiedo Of Alnesaire 

 PD (11 Entries) Abs: 2 
1st: ROONEY, Mr S J & GREEN Mr & Mrs J A Littletigers Innuendo With Jaschin 
2nd: HUBBLE, Mr D & SUMMERBELL Mr B Dabrives Silver Carrington 
3rd: VINCENT Mrs S C Yama Noritaki Tu 
Res: STEELE Mrs S E Yama Ghostbuster At Threadgold 
VHC: SMITH AND DANKS Mrs D J Jeskandai Koi No Yokan 

JD (6 Entries) Abs: 1 
1st: TARABAD Mr N Tillashby's Nick Is In A Twist At Frondil JW 
2nd: DAVIDSON Mr A W Tillashby Samurai Sun At Sharlarna 
3rd: THOMAS Ms J Javalcy The Great Mikado 
Res: BANKS, Ms R & ROWLEY Mr M Midwood Monaco Choya (Am Imp) 
VHC: SPEIGHT Mrs G Bonniroy Yoshiki Aka 

GD (3 Entries) Abs: 0 
1st: WESTWICK, Miss S & DAVIDSON Mr A W Hin Satorie Almazniy Vihr At Sharlarna Imp Rus 
2nd: SPEIGHT Mrs G Bonniroy Yoshiki Aka 
3rd: RUSHTON Mr R F & Mrs E A Sangria Standing Ovation At Tiflin 

PGD (8 Entries) Abs: 3 
1st: BURNS, Miss T & BLACK Miss L Yama Take A Chance 
2nd: WESTWICK, Miss S & DAVIDSON Mr A W Sharlarna Tyson 
3rd: BENTON-TAYLOR Mrs L Sansarc Jacobean 
Res: VINCENT Miss M Shardlow Oshkosh B' Gosh In Kofyn 

LD (10 Entries) Abs: 1 
1st: BANKS, Ms R & ROWLEY Mr M Choya Tadashi 
2nd:  DAVIDSON Mr A W Tillashby Russian Infusion At Sharlarna 
3rd: VINCENT Mrs S C Yama Teddy Edward JW 
Res: TONG Miss J Sleepyhollow Rheingold 
VHC: HUDSON, Mr S & STEELE Mrs S E Sharlarna Divine At Threadgold 

OD (8 Entries) Abs: 0 
1st: DAVIDSON Mr A W Omikudz Don Juan At Sharlarna (Imp) 
2nd: THOMAS Ms J Javalcy Rock On Tommy JW 
3rd: 1788 PEARCE, Ms T & HANN Ms S Ch Rakuchin Kenji Na 
Res: 1799 REEVES-SARGANT, Mrs C & DIMENT Mrs S Alstella Pure Gold 
VHC: 1819 WEBSTER Mr J Swifthocks Take A Chance 

GCD (1 Entries) Abs: 0 
1st: MCFARLANE Mrs & Miss J E & L Myojo Morgan At Glendyke 

VB (3 Entries) Abs: 0 
1st: PEARCE, Ms T & HANN Ms S Choya Takara Of Rakuchin 
2nd: LINDSAY Miss L Ch Sleepyhollow Sapphire Diva At Anjuli Sh.CM 
3rd: SPEIGHT Mrs G Bonniroy Yasafii 

PB (11 Entries) Abs: 0 
1st: LINDSAY Miss L Littletigers I Send With Love To Sleepyhollow (Imp 
2nd: BROWN-PERCIVAL Mrs S Littletigers Grace By Sandiman (Imp) It 
3rd: HUBBLE, Mr D & SUMMERBELL Mr B Dabrives Silver Dynasty 
Res: QUINN Mrs T A & Mr A M Harlouville Uptown Girl 
VHC: DAVIDSON Mr A W Sharlarna Booty Call 

 JB (6 Entries) Abs: 2 
1st: EMMERSON Mrs M Auralea Wishful Thinking For Ismirelle JW 
2nd: BURNS Miss T Yakedo Empress Aiko 
3rd: CLARKE Ms A Tismechi Lady Orchid 
Res: SPEIGHT Mrs G Bonniroy Yuzana 

GB (1 Entries) Abs: 0 
1st:  FORTH Ms A Omegaville Ima Showgirl 

PGB (6 Entries) Abs: 1 
1st: QUINN Mrs T A & Mr A M Sharlarna Japanese Please 
2nd: OATRIDGE Mrs C M Dalehouse Kimono 
3rd: SMITH, Mrs J D & SMITH Mrs J D Wyndcatch Constance 
Res: PEARCE, Ms T & HANN Ms S Rakuchin Skyes Aria 
VHC: PEARSON Ms I Ereste Naughty But Nice 

 LB (7 Entries) Abs: 2 
1st:  DAVIDSON Mr A W Bechinka Mozo At Sharlarn PEARCE, Ms T & HANN Ms S Rakuchin Well Hello 
3rd: HUBBLE, Mr D & SUMMERBELL Mr B Dabrives Fields Of Silver 
Res: BURNS Miss T Sleepyhollow Calamity Jane 
VHC:MATCHES Miss J Godheim Liberty Belle 

OB (5 Entries) Abs: 1 
1st: ROONEY, Mr S J & GREEN Mr & Mrs J A Ch Swifthocks Paws For Thought 
2nd:OATRIDGE Mrs C M Dalehouse Iponema 
3rd: BLOW & ALLEN Mr & Mrs D & S Yama Misty Morning 
Res: REEVES-SARGANT, Mrs C & DIMENT Mrs S Alstella Going For Gold 


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